
Of all the staff members, Kris wins the award for most adventurous past! For nearly two decades, Kris, a former National Park Service Ranger, along with her husband, Paul, now a retired National Park Service Deputy Superintendent, lived and worked at national park sites across the country, including Everglades, Yosemite, and Shenandoah National Parks to name a few. She was born and raised in Massachusetts and earned a degree in Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation at Hood College in Maryland. Kris has undertaken search and rescue, law enforcement and paramedic training. Now who wouldn’t want Kris on their service project crew? Kris brings all those talents and skills to her job as Co-Director of First Serve, our popular church outreach program. It’s no surprise that she and Paul and their two sons, Jacob and Jeremiah, enjoy hiking and outdoor time together. Kris also enjoys reading and leading women’s Bible studies.