
At First Congregational Church of Hudson, a substantial part of who we are can be seen through our service opportunities. Whether it's our annual interfaith day of service (First Serve), volunteering right here at the church, or serving at a variety of local nonprofit organizations ... we are inspired by the way Jesus responded in love to every person's need. Please explore our volunteer opportunities below.

Current Donation & Volunteer Opportunties

Opportunities to Serve

First Serve

First Serve is an annual day of service, held on the second weekend of September, led by First Congregational Church of Hudson in partnership with the  Islamic Society of Akron and Kent, Temple Beth Shalom of Hudson and supported by many other faith communities in Hudson and the Akron area.

Findley Community Learning Center

Assist teachers in K-5th grade classrooms with tutoring, small group learning and chaperoning. Many of the students at Findley are from refugee families, with more than half of the children learning English as their second language.

SWAG: Students With A Goal

After school tutoring and mentoring program for middle school and high school students at the REACH Opportunity Center in the Summit Lake area of Akron.

Children’s Center at Valley View

Assist preschool teachers with story time and classroom activities at our church’s satellite school at the Akron Metro Housing Authority neighborhood in North Hill.

Appalachia Service Project

High school students and adults travel to Appalachia for a week in June to work on home improvement projects for local residents. (Affiliate Partner)

North Hill Community House

Distribute food once a month from this food pantry located in North Hill.

Family Promise

Donating food and household items for homeless families at Glendora House in Akron, as they actively search for permanent housing and employment.

Trinity Clothing Room

Transporting donated clothing to Trinity UCC church in the North Hill community and helping sort clothing every Tuesday.

Habitat for Humanity

Part of the Hudson Coalition, adults renovate or build new homes in the Akron area. (Affiliate Partner)

Gennesaret Soup Kitchen

Serving hot lunches on the first Saturday of each month at this soup kitchen located near downtown Akron.

Hudson Job Search

Advise newly unemployed Hudsonites with skills necessary to re-enter the job market.

Grace House Akron

Support the staff and caregivers, in a variety of ways, as they provide a loving home for indigent, homeless and abandoned individuals at the end of life located in North Hill Akron.

Together, We Are Making An Impact

Through our prayers, our donations and our time, we provide support to a wide variety of nonprofit organizations, such as:

Akron Canton Regional Food Bank
Appalachia Service Project (ASP)
Untold (Africa)
Children’s Center at Valley View
Family Promise of Summit County
Findley Community Learning Center
Grace House
Habitat for Humanity
Healing Arts Ministry (Haiti)
Hudson Community Service Assoc.
Hudson Job Search
Middle School Mission Project
Mobile Meals
North Hill Community House
Students with a Goal (SWAG)
Trinity UCC Clothing Room

Meet Our Team

Sue Wimer

Director of Outreach and First Serve

Amy Baldwin

Co-Director of First Serve