Special Devotional: Burning Candles and The Longest Night

Lora Eureka   -  

Special Devotional: Burning Candles and The Longest Night

By Emily Donaldson, FCCH Member

If I look tired, it’s because I am.  I think most people are in this season.  There is the general business we all deal with of course.  But then, there is the “extra” stuff December brings.  Every person and every family is different, but in general, one can expect everyone to be doing some type of preparation.

For many, whether one will be hosting guests or attending as one, there is the planning of what to wear, what to bring, and often shopping for that special occasion outfit.

For many, there is the decorating.  Whether anyone else will see it or not, there is often a need to make one’s home or workplace festive.  You know, to get everyone in the mood for the season.

For many, there is the sharing of affection.  Present buying, card sending, call making, all are forms of letting loved ones know that they are thought of and cared for.  And in many cases, missed.

Oh, and food, for many, there are the warm thoughts of food.  Comforting meals, fancy drinks, decadent desserts.  It’s no wonder that so many people at the new year vow to go on a diet, take a “dry January”, or vow in some way to take better care of themselves.

I am in tech week for my show, All Shook Up.  The final big number is called “Burning Love”. It’s hilarious in my mind because the whole cast is on stage, singing, dancing, and we must have energy, energy, energy!  We are burning with love and happiness on the outside and on the inside most of us are tired, hot, sweaty, and our feet hurt.

It’s the word, burning.  This season brings another visual to my mind.  The burning of candles.  Holidays in many traditions seem to employ candle burning as part of their traditions, and there is so much candle burning.

I’m burning my candle.  I’m burning my candle at both ends.  I bet a lot of you are too.  The season tells us to wait, to wait quietly.  Instead of waiting though, I seem to be doing anything but waiting.  I’m running.  When I’m not running physically, my mind is running.  I am constantly running.  I feel anything but quiet.  And I’m definitely not waiting for anything…there’s no time.

I’m thankful to be in this show, but this year I will have to miss The Longest Night service.  I’m sad about that.  It may very well be my favorite service.  It has the quiet reflective feel of Maundy Thursday, but also the lovely promise of hope of the coming of the Christ child.  Not everyone has people to call, or celebrations to attend, or they may be carrying some burden that makes this season particularly hard. I love this service for giving me my quiet, it gives me a chance to pause, something I so rarely do.  I need that pause.  To stop the burning candle and just be cool.  I tell people about it, I encourage them to come, because even if they don’t think they need it, I feel that they do.  I think we all do.