A Message from Rev. Dr. Peter Wiley

Lora Eureka   -  

Dear Friends,

As people who are a part of the greater Akron community, and a congregation committed to building relationships among all people, we feel called to be a people seeking to create good for all in the community. Though we know we can never do enough, and will stumble along the way, we are compelled to be a part of God’s healing in the world. As such, for years we have sought to build relationships with the people and organizations in the North Hill community of Akron, especially through First Serve.

In the midst of a moment like this week, as a grand jury made its decision, our hearts break for Jayland Walker’s family, the Akron police, and the Akron community. Our hearts break for our fractured, hurting world.

As a people of faith, seeking to be followers of Jesus, both in action and in prayer, in this time we pray:

O God of peace . . . who is also the God of justice.
God of love of all . . . who is also the God of each one.
God of those who protect . . . who is also the God of the vulnerable.

As we stand in the midst of the Easter season, where we say we are a people of the empty tomb, we know we still live in the midst of shadows, that all is not right in this broken world, especially in the midst of the greater Akron Community. And so we come to you in prayer for all those connected to Akron.

Yes, we come to you in prayer, that we might be more than those who look to you to bring healing and justice and peace into this world. We pray that we might become, with you, active agents of change that brings wholeness to all people. We pray for hearts that truly seek to listen and understand, and for spirits of abundant compassion. We pray for humility in our thinking and courage in actions, that we might be more fully, more faithfully your Easter people of love, of healing, of justice. . .not just in these days but in all our days.

In your strong name, we pray. Amen.

