
A Home for All…Including You!

That’s God’s promise to each one of us.

No matter where we wander in life, no matter what happens along the way, we can be assured of our home in and with God—a place of welcome, embrace, safety, acceptance just as we are. That’s God’s love for each one of us.

And that’s the love God calls us to live and share with others.

For over 220 years, First Congregational Church of Hudson has faithfully sought to be a home to those seeking to find such love, meeting people wherever they are on their faith and life journeys.

Are you looking for a faith home? A place to be welcomed, seen and loved, just as you are? A community that respects and embraces you, just as you are, no matter what? A people to join with who seek (and admittedly stumble at times) to follow Jesus’ path and embody his welcome, love, and acceptance for all?

If so, we invite you to learn more about First Congregational Church of Hudson. Worship with us on Sunday morning. Participate in the many programs, ministries, and service opportunities we offer.

Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here.

In faithful love,
The Rev. Dr. Peter Wiley, Senior Pastor
The Rev. Jeanette Brodersen, Associate Pastor
The Rev. Steve Hockstra, Associate Pastor
The Rev. Connor Filkins, Associate Pastor